
08 Apr 2024

Embarking on the path to wellness through preventive healthcare

This World Health Day, let’s pledge to proactively focus on health, because health is the real wealth

7th April is recognised as World Health Day, a day that serves as a poignant reminder, urging us to cherish the precious gift of health. This year’s theme, ‘my health, my right’ emphasises on the fundamental human right to good health. So the most important question is to understand how we take care of our health, and what is needed to ensure that we and the ones we love, remain healthy all the time. Well, there’s only one answer to this : Prevention is better than cure. It just cannot get any simpler!

Over the past year, we have read of many young adults suffering from heart attacks. The rise in heart attacks, diabetes, hypertension, cancer and other non-communicable diseases among younger adults is indeed concerning, and it underscores the importance of proactive healthcare at every stage of life. A recent report by Apollo Hospitals titled ‘Health of Nation’, also predicts a potential surge in healthcare burdens due to conditions such as pre-diabetes, pre-hypertension, and mental health disorders manifesting at increasingly younger ages. This is a huge wake-up call for all of us to prioritise health, regardless of one’s age.

Let’s look at Priya and Rahul, friends in their forties, leading seemingly parallel lives. However, their health trajectories are about to diverge, influenced by their personal focus on proactive healthcare. Priya has embraced a highly progressive health routine by integrating regular exercise, balanced diet, relevant health supplements and routine health check-ups, she charts a course for sustaining long-term health. Rahul, caught in life’s whirlwind, neglects all preventive care, relying only on curative measures.

As the years unfold, Priya’s commitment pays off as routine check-ups help her catch potential issues early on. Her proactive approach extends beyond health, resonating in a fulfilling personal and professional life. In contrast, Rahul faces occasional health setbacks. Those dismissed as minor issues accumulate into long term health concerns, revealing the limitations of reactive solutions. The divergent approach by Priya and Rahul serve as a poignant illustration of the benefits of preventive care.

What does Preventive healthcare entail?
As the name suggests, preventive healthcare is focussed on preventing the occurrence of the disease itself, or its early diagnosis to control the disease from spreading. It involves routine check-ups, counselling and health screenings that are meant to detect and intervene health issues, before they show any symptoms or become a major health risk. Examples include immunizations (like annual flu shots, COVID vaccinations), metabolic health screenings (such as BP, cholesterol, diabetes), cancer screenings (like breast, cervical, prostate), counselling (such as depression, smoking cessation), adopting balanced diet and following a fitness regime, proactive disease management based on individual health needs or age-related care or basis family history, amongst many others. By embarking on a journey of preventive healthcare, we are actually empowering a longer and healthier life for our loved ones and us.

What are the benefits of Preventive Healthcare?
Preventive healthcare means fewer health issues later. This also helps reduce expensive healthcare spends due to timely diagnosis. And better health then leads to a longer and fuller life, with enhanced productivity and self-esteem. This positively impacts one’s physical and mental wellness culminating into a well-rounded and fruitful life!

At the forefront of this transformative journey is WCI, actively contributing to the paradigm shift towards proactive health and multi-dimensional wellness. Our members benefit from various events, advisory and resources, that educate and empower to take charge of health and overall wellness. We want our members and readers, to always remind themselves that the choices they make today, will determine quality of their health in the years to come. So, let’s pledge today, to prioritise and safeguard our health and overall wellness, by making few lifestyle changes for a healthier tomorrow. And remind ourselves to embrace prevention as our shield, ensuring that health isn’t just a fleeting privilege but a steadfast companion on life’s journey. Let us all collectively work towards building a healthier and resilient community. Read more about our events, advisory and resources at https://wci.org.in/

Today, on World Health Day, let’s try make some healthy resolutions:
 I will do full body health screenings regularly to track my physical wellness
 I will prioritise my mental wellness and take good care of myself by staying away from toxic relationships and negativities
 I will always keep my weight in check and exercise regularly to keep myself fit
 I will follow a balanced diet that keeps me nourished
 I will follow a sound sleep routine to keep myself energised
 I will give up unhealthy lifestyle choices such as smoking and limit my alcohol intake
 I will take relevant vaccinations and supplements to support my physical wellness
 I will undergo counselling wherever required such as in losing weight, treating depression or smoking cessation
 I will not ignore any health symptoms and take timely medical advice wherever required

Embark on this preventive care journey with enthusiasm, and do consult your healthcare provider for personalised medical advice. We wish all our members and readers a healthy and WELLthy year ahead!

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